Digital marketing strategies for the modern ophthalmology practice

Digital marketing strategies for the modern ophthalmology practice

Your practice looks great, your team is friendly and competent, and you have the latest technology and qualifications, so where are all your patients? Well, in 2022, your patients are probably behind their phones or computer screens looking up other ophthalmologists online! You will need to update your digital marketing plan if you don’t want your practice to be left behind.

1. Keep up with SEO evolution

Google and other search engines are constantly changing their algorithms and requirements, so what worked last year may not work this year. Google updated its algorithm in May 2022, significantly impacting search engine optimization practices. You may have an attractive website, but if your practice doesn’t rank high in search results because of poor SEO, your patients won’t be able to find you.

2. Change up your content

High-quality content is still an essential component of modern digital marketing, but the content of 2022 looks significantly different than it did five years ago. Today video content is more important than ever as most users are more interested in consuming content through video than text. Video marketing produces 66% more qualified leads annually! Video content also gives your practice a chance to increase patient trust by posting videos yourself so that patients can recognize your face and hear your expertise for themselves. Patient education through infographics and other creative image-based content on web stories will also improve your online visibility.

3. Show up on posts and podcasts

Anyone can have an online presence, but not everyone can have authority. As a qualified ophthalmologist, you will also need to establish your authority and expertise online. Guest posts and podcasts are a great way to show authority, as many Americans listen to podcasts daily quickly, and seeing your name on podcasts and other reputable websites will increase patient trust. 

Digital marketing remains an evolving field, and to keep your practice on top, you will need to keep up with the trends. These are just a few aspects of digital marketing that your practice should be aware of in 2022, but there are many more, so stay tuned to learn more.