Episode 48

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT Tapping) for the Well-being of Doctors, Staff, and Patients

by Ophthalmology Business Academy | October 18, 2023

Why should ophthalmologists embrace EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)? 

The connection between emotions and eye health is undeniable. Studies have shown that stress, anxiety, and negative emotions can negatively impact our vision and overall eye health. By integrating EFT into your practice, you can provide a holistic approach to eye care that goes beyond traditional methods, ensuring your patients receive comprehensive support.

In this episode, get ready to be blown away as Jessica Myers, the brilliant mind strategist, certified hypnotherapist, and the driving force behind Business Development and co-management at Referrals Assil Gaur Eye Institute, shares her insights on the power of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) in transforming your practice.


  • 00:01:25 – Jessica’s story in ophthalmology
  • 00:03:09 – The basic idea of EFT
  • 00:04:46 – The history of EFT: Where did it come from?
  • 00:05:39 – Integrating EFT tapping in ophthalmology practice
    • Helps patients reduce stress and change behaviors through EFT 
    • Positive outcomes in reducing anxiety and improving vision clarity.
  • 00:09:17 – The use of EFT in other healthcare settings and your personal life
    • Help to manage stress and addiction
    • Help to reduce the fear of public speaking
    • To address underlying emotional issues that may be contributing to physical health problems (e.g., nutrition, heart disease).
  • 00:12:01 – Jessica visually demonstrates how to tap
  • 00:14:24 – Future of EFT in Ophthalmology: benefit of EFT for patients
    • Help patients make positive changes in their habits and behaviors, such as improving nutrition or managing emotional reactions, to improve their overall health and well-being.
  • 00:16:07 – Connect with Jessica
    • Jessica shares resources for holistic healing and mind-body connection on her website, podcast (Be You Bloom), and social media platforms.

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Invitation to a Webinar for Our Valued Podcast Listeners!

Save the date for an exclusive webinar with Dr. Anish Kapur on November 1st from 12:00 – 1:00 PM ET. 

Value added to you!

  • Discover the ways AI can be seamlessly integrated into your practice, offering valuable enhancements that optimize your professional journey.
  • Exploring the world of cutting-edge AI tools that are now at your disposal, designed to elevate the quality and efficiency of your work.
  • Explore how AI is shaping the future of eye care,

But that’s not all! As a bonus, we have healthcare marketing experts from Ekwa Marketing who will be sharing their expertise on the common marketing mistakes that may be affecting your patient flow. Don’t let these mistakes hinder your success any longer.


Jessica Myers

Director Business Development & Co-management Referrals
Assil Gaur Eye Institute
Founder of Be You Bloom

Jessica’s 20+ years in marketing and business development coupled with her mastery of helping people upgrade their thinking, behavior, health, and joy led her to coaching leaders and teams with a humanistic approach. Her empathy and heart centered guidance has termed her “The Corporate Therapist.” Her drive stems from the fact that when we are happier, we positively influence those we serve, our family systems, and communities.

“Employers need to adopt a holistic approach that prioritizes mental welfare and physical health and enables individuals to manage their workloads more effectively.” -PEOPLE MATTERS


With her specialty knowledge as a Certified Hypnotherapist, Emotional Freedom Technique Master Practitioner, and a focus on Positive Psychology, Jessica helps people get to root causes of recurring issues quickly. She works with teams, in group and individually, on taking agency of one’s personal development to improve the whole. Unhelpful patterns are replaced with productive behaviors, thoughts, and communication motivating individuals to move towards successful completion of goals. Clients range from medical personnel and teams across industries to athletes and performing artists.

Results in:

  • Happier & Loyal Employees
  • Personally Invested in their Work
  • Positive & Proactive Mindset
  • Employees who want to grow
  • A Positive Workplace Culture 

Connect with Jessica, 

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/jessicaimorales 

Be You Bloom: https://beyoubloom.com/ 

Be You Bloom Podcast: https://tinyurl.com/yc8h2yw8


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