Episode 40

Private practice development and Introduction to Investing for a Medical Doctor

by Ophthalmology Business Academy | August 23, 2023

Success is achieved through the way you embrace your skills and expertise within a world full of opportunities; the story of Dr. Kerry Assil is a vivid illustration of this truth.

In this episode of the Ophthalmology Business Podcast, co-host Dr. David Lazar engages with renowned ophthalmologist and serial- entrepreneur Dr. Kerry Assil.

Dr. Assil talks about how he went from being a medical practitioner to an entrepreneur and what kind of mindset is required for making smart investment decisions. He underscores the importance of consistently believing in yourself because it will be the key whenever the chips are down. This podcast episode is essential for ophthalmologists looking to reshape their careers and open new doors of opportunity.


  • 00:02:00 – Insights into the inception and growth of Dr. Assil’s private practice
    • Dr. Assil shares his history and track record as a serial entrepreneur 
  • 00:14:20 – Launched an entire LASIK centers group in 40 locations 
  • 00:17:54 – Thriving Amidst Challenges:
    • Confronting Competitive Threats
    • Navigating the Dot-com Crash
    • Weathering the Impact of 9/11
  • 00:23:06 – Approached by people from other industries for investment
  • 00:27:02 – When evaluating a company or product investment, how do you determine the appropriate amount you’re willing to invest? 
    • Are there specific methods or algorithms 
    • Does it involve a combination of factors, such as your available capital and a gut feeling about the opportunity
  • 00:30:46 – Bet on people just as much as you bet on products
    • $50,000 into $250,000 in six months
    • Right people and the product fails, they’ll figure out a way to make it successful
    • Conversely, even the most precious opportunities can slip through the grasp of the wrong team
  • 00:39:00 – One piece of advice for an ophthalmologist or any medical doctor who has an appetite for starting a business or investing in a business


Kerry Assil, MD

Board-Certified Ophthalmologist
Medical Director at Assil Gaur Eye Institute

Kerry K. Assil, MD is one of the world’s foremost experts in eye surgery. Dr. Assil continues to make significant advances in his field with numerous inventions and introductions of state-of-the-art technology.

More than 10,000 ophthalmologists from around the world have come to Dr. Assil for training in the latest refractive and ocular surgical techniques. During his more than twenty years in practice, Dr. Assil has authored more than one hundred textbooks, textbook chapters and articles on refractive and cataract surgery.

He has served as editor and reviewer of multiple scientific journals, and is on the medical and scientific advisory boards of numerous eye surgical companies. Dr. Assil is also called upon regularly to appear on network news, health and science programs as a pioneer in techniques in refractive, cataract and vision restoring surgery. He has served as the Distinguished Professor lecturer at Harvard, Johns Hopkins, Duke, Baylor, Tokyo, UCSF, UCSD, UCLA and a host of other leading Universities.

In addition to this, Dr. Assil donates much of his time and resources to charitable eye care. Assil Eye Institute has provided more charity eye care than any other regional center for the past two decades.

People from all walks of life, including eye surgeons, athletes, students, teachers, business professionals and celebrities, travel from around the world to have Dr. Assil perform surgery on their eyes.

For a list of some of Dr. Assil’s Surgical Achievements please visit www.assileye.com

Dr. Assil’s Areas of Specialty

  • Laser In-Situ Keratomileusis – LASIK
  • Laser Cataract Surgery
  • Premium cataract Surgery
  • Epi-lasik
  • Photorefractive Keratectomy – PRK
  • Phakic Intraocular Lenses
  • Corneal Transplantation
  • IOL Exchange
  • Dry/Red eye therapy
  • Advanced Pterygium Surgery
  • Iris Repair and Reconstruction
  • Astigmatic Keratotomy/ Limbal Relaxing Incision
  • Corneal Ring – ICR (Intacs)

Connect with Dr. Assil

LinkedIn:  linkedin.com/in/kerry-assil-47645144 
Website:  www.assileye.com


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